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14 year old male , was brought to Amandeep Hospital, Amritsar as they were struggling with lack of finances to be treated for contracture.

A 22 year old female was operated at MR Hospital Erode , for neck contracture . Due to lack of finances she couldn’t get her treatment done when she was burnt 5 years ago.

A 19 year old male was treated at Prakriya Hospital Bangalore for Post burn contracture right index , middle and ring fingers.

A 14 year old male was operated at Amandeep Hospital , Amritsar, for post-burn contracture rt middle, ring little fingers.

A 49 year old female was operated at Soni Burn Hospital, Hissar, for B/L thumb contracture

A 7 year old female was operated at Amandeep Hospital Amritsar for perineal contracture

A 3.5 year Male was operated at R S Matri Hospital Ghaziabad for post-burn contracture left index, middle ring and 1st web.

A 14 year old male was operated at Soni Burn Hospital Hissar for right foot dorsum contracture.

A 25 year old female was operated at Soni Burn Hospital Hissar for contracture of breast, neck & right axilla.

A 10 year old female was operated at Shija Hospital Manipur for post-burn contracture right hand all fingers.

A 2.5 year old male was operated at Soni Hospital Panipat for post-burn contracture all fingers and thumb with syndactly all webs

A 22 year female operated at Amish Hospital Vadodara for left elbow contracture.

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Account Name
Burn Healing Foundation

Account Number

Bank Name
ICICI Bank Limited
